6.20 TN-A HEN 24일 릴리즈 예정! // 6.20 TN-A HEN available soon *UPDATE* It will be out on Dec. 24th
Ok, enough with the recent PSP drama and on to some good stuff. Wololo has word that the first public release of Total_Noob's HEN is now ready and has already been sent to the folks over at PSPGEN since yesterday. According to Wololo's recent post:
"I chatted a bit with Total_Noob a few hours ago, who confirmed to me that the first public release of his Hen is ready and has been sent to pspgen yesterday. I assume the staff at pspgen will now be testing the Hen for a little bit, making sure there is no last minute bug, before they make the public release."
Looks like we'll be having a taste of the HEN anytime now. Stay tuned.
Word from PSPGEN is that it will be out on December 24th at 12:30 (French time) or 6:30 AM EST.
Via [Wololo]
최종 점검이네요.
12월 24일 12시 30분 또는 6시 30분(AM, GMT+1 기준)에 공식 릴리즈한다고 합니다!
현지시간 계산을 궂이 한다면 24일 오전 8시 30분 또는 오후 2시 30분에 릴리즈군요.
제가 그 날 만큼은 최대한 소식나오는대로 전해드리려 합니다! 기대해주세요~