6.20 TN-A iso로더! // Prometheus ISO loader for 6.20 TN-A released

Posted by Myoa™
2010. 12. 26. 12:39 PSP폐쇄/QJ.NET
본 블로그는 클리어타입에 최적화 되있습니다. 글씨가 흐리게 보이면 여기를 눌러 패치하세요(1차수정)


It's Christmas, the season for giving, and homebrew developer Liquidzigong has a great Christmas present for all PSP homebrew aficionados out there.

=>크리스마스 시즌이군요. 리지공은 우리에게 크리스마스 시즌에 최고의 선물을 주었습니다.


The dev has released a Prometheus ISO loader that works with the recently released 6.20 TN-A HEN from Total_Noob. As the name says, this will let you copy and play backups. And yes, that means you can use this to one up the official releases and play Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep on a PSP Go!

 =>리지공은 Prometheus기반의 ISO로더를 토탈 누브의 6.20 TN-A(HEN)에서 사용할 수 있도록 해주었습니다.

아래는 킹덤하츠 구동영상입니다. 물론 피습 고에서요!

아래 동영상 꼭 보셔야 됩니다!


아래 링크에서 ISO로더를 받으셔서 넣어주세요. 홈브류파일 입니다!

Here are the instructions to run the loader from wololo, who was asked by Liquidzigon to release it:

 =>여기까지 wololo의 iso 로더 소개였어염. 아래는 리지공의 설명.

Put your ISO files in the ISO folder of your memory stick. Unzip the archive in your PSP/GAME folder. Run as any normal homebrew. For TN Hen users, you of course need to run the Hen before that.

=>ISO파일을 ms0:/(메모리스틱 최상위)에 넣으세요. (아이고 맙소사 아까 잘못 썻군요.. 압축푸는거 아닐겁니다....)

그 다음에 ISO로더를 그냥 홈브류 집어넣듯이 넣고, 그냥 홈브류 실행하듯이(iso로더를) 실행시키면 되요.


If you want to use the M33 driver, you need a copy of isofs_500.prx which is not included in this package. You can get this file from the official firmware, by using PSARDumper.

=>만약 M33 드라이버가 필요하다면, isofs_500.prx 파일을 써야되요.(플러그인으로 시도해보시기 바랍니다. 낸드는... 올바른 아닐것같군요..) 아아, 이 파일은 정펌 6.20파일을 PSARDumper(펌웨어에 들어있는 시스템파일 추출 홈브류)를 사용해서 뽑아내면되요 :)


Download: Prometheus ISO Loader for 6.20 TN-A

P.S 저작권 관계상 파일을 직접적으로 올리진 않겠습니다.


Via [Wololo.net]

읽으신 후엔 아래 뷰온(view on!) 꼭 눌러주세요!

6.20 TN-A HEN 24일 릴리즈 예정! // 6.20 TN-A HEN available soon *UPDATE* It will be out on Dec. 24th

Posted by Myoa™
2010. 12. 23. 11:27 PSP폐쇄/QJ.NET
본 블로그는 클리어타입에 최적화 되있습니다. 글씨가 흐리게 보이면 여기를 눌러 패치하세요(1차수정)


Ok, enough with the recent PSP drama and on to some good stuff. Wololo has word that the first public release of Total_Noob's HEN is now ready and has already been sent to the folks over at PSPGEN since yesterday. According to Wololo's recent post:

"I chatted a bit with Total_Noob a few hours ago, who confirmed to me that the first public release of his Hen is ready and has been sent to pspgen yesterday. I assume the staff at pspgen will now be testing the Hen for a little bit, making sure there is no last minute bug, before they make the public release."

Looks like we'll be having a taste of the HEN anytime now. Stay tuned.




Word from PSPGEN is that it will be out on December 24th at 12:30 (French time) or 6:30 AM EST.



Via [Wololo]

최종 점검이네요.

12월 24일 12시 30분 또는 6시 30분(AM, GMT+1 기준)에 공식 릴리즈한다고 합니다!

현지시간 계산을 궂이 한다면 24일 오전 8시 30분 또는 오후 2시 30분에 릴리즈군요.

제가 그 날 만큼은 최대한 소식나오는대로 전해드리려 합니다! 기대해주세요~

6.20 TN-A(HEN)을 PSP Go로 구동해보았다. / Video: Total_Noob's 6.20 TN-A (HEN) on PSP Go

Posted by Myoa™
2010. 11. 8. 22:50 PSP폐쇄/QJ.NET
본 블로그는 클리어타입에 최적화 되있습니다. 글씨가 흐리게 보이면 여기를 눌러 패치하세요(1차수정)

Total_Noob continues to improve his long awaited 6.20 homebrew enabler for the PlayStation portable, this time, showing off a new video of the HEN (which is now by the way on its first revision), running on the PSP Go.

Total_Noob가 긴 기간동안을 거쳐 6.20 홈브류 구동기를 개선시켜 왔습니다.
아래는 PSP Go에서 HEN을 구동시킨 영상입니다.


Developer's note:

Here's a proof of the HEN on the PSP go. Now it shows TN-A, A for the first revision. I controlled the psp with the ps3 controller;)

You can always can donate to me: Paypal

The 6.20 TN is currently slated to arrive "before Christmas."


Big thanks to Ipadboy and kupomogli for the head's up!

이 TN-A 구동영상은 초기 버전입니다.

당신 나한테 기부할 수 있슴다. 링크 클릭

6.20TN은 전에 언급한대로 크리스마스전에 나오긔!

Ipadboy and kupomogli 감사염 


케이지의 블로그가 삭제되었다. / Keiji Inafune's blog now removed

Posted by Myoa™
2010. 11. 8. 22:34 PSP폐쇄/QJ.NET
본 블로그는 클리어타입에 최적화 되있습니다. 글씨가 흐리게 보이면 여기를 눌러 패치하세요(1차수정)

Since he's leaving Capcom anyway, he won't have any use for his blog. At least not the one he had with blogging service, Daletto, a Capcom subsidiary. So with Keiji Inafune's resignation, his blog has effectively been pulled from the interwebs.


The blog wasn't just for work - there were also some posts with personal content in it. One such post was where Inafune blogged about why he was leaving the company. It wasn't the tell-all story that some may be looking forward to, but nonetheless, it has now been removed. It may still be possible to recover it, but we'll have to wait if Inafune opens up a new blog for any new posts from him.




데드라이징 기획을 담당했던 케이지씨가 캡콤을 떠나고 그의 블로그도 삭제했다고 합니다.

복구가 가능하다는데 할지 어떨지는 본인에게 달려있겠지요.

그러나 새 블로그를 여는쪽으로 갈 것 같다는 것 같습니다.

(참고: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keiji_Inafune)


소니, 새로운 PSP는 '그 때'에 출시할 것이다 / Sony: new PSP will be announced when “timing is right”

Posted by Myoa™
2010. 10. 31. 09:11 PSP폐쇄/QJ.NET
본 블로그는 클리어타입에 최적화 되있습니다. 글씨가 흐리게 보이면 여기를 눌러 패치하세요(1차수정)


Despite rampant rumors pointing to a new PlayStation handheld is in the works, Sony remains mum on the matter. At their recent earnings call today in Tokyo, the Japanese electronics giant said that they will only announce a new PSP product “when the timing is right”.


As transcribed by tech site Engadget, a curious insider asked Sony’s executive VP/CFO Masaru Kato "if such a product would come out of Sony or of Sony Ericsson (referring to the leaked PlayStation phone)," the exec simply shrug off the question, instead preferring to tell investors that they “will look into those markets in trying to develop strategy for the future”. Here are the rest of excerpts from Sony's conference call:

"As for the new PSP product, as mentioned, I know that you are not asking me to tell you when we will be coming out with a new product, but there is a gaming market based on [the] cellphones, and there are many changes that are being seen [with] Nintendo, as well as ourselves, in the field of the product for the gamers. And there are smartphones and others or even cellphones gaming markets are very popular here in japan. So the market itself is very... expanding."

"It's not that we are not looking into those markets as well. We will look into those markets in trying to develop strategy for the future. Of course, we can't talk about specific products, but smartphones and tablets... it is difficult to tell you how we can put the games on them, but they are not going to be planned in different parts of our company. When we organized ourselves last April, we introduced network services, and within that umbrella, network services, all of these products are handled. Therefore, the planning and the prototypes for various content [are] all carried out within this... one umbrellas. So we are trying to figure out what we can do as Sony in this market. I think this is as far as I can tell you regarding these products at market."

"There [are] so many different elements. There is Sony Ericsson and there is SCE. They moved from Aoyama, the design and headquarters had to come to Sony City. Of course this contributes to savings on rent on an office... but they are [also] closer to the planning and engineering group of Sony, and I think we can better incorporate all of these capabilities better... so when the timing is right we can probably announce [to] you about the new product that we have."

It's a mind-numbing corporate thing, I know. They're just going to deny until everything brokes loose. Last time we heard, Sony is even "deliberately spreading misinformation about the new device in order to identify where leaks are emerging."



Via [Engadget]

PSP2에 대한 루머 / Rumor: PSP2 will have no UMD, could rival the Xbox 360

Posted by Myoa™
2010. 10. 31. 09:08 PSP폐쇄/QJ.NET
본 블로그는 클리어타입에 최적화 되있습니다. 글씨가 흐리게 보이면 여기를 눌러 패치하세요(1차수정)


not the PSP2
 =>(주: PSP2에 대한 루머를 다루는 내용이므로 QJ.NET측에서 적절한 짤을 넣었다고 생각하시면 됩니다)


Now that the PlayStation Phone has been somewhat outed, the buzz on the online community now shift back to Sony's other handheld platform, the elusive/long rumored Playstation Portable 2. According multiple sources close to the project, the PSP2 will have dual analog sticks, a bigger screen, touch controls and a massive amount of RAM than can rival those found in the Xbox 360.

Kotaku reports that during this years TGS event in Tokyo, Sony revealed the long-rumored PSP2 to select people in the industry, showing off the device with "touch panel on the back of the system what looked like a mouse trackpad. The PSP2 also had dual analog sticks and a larger display which Sony touted as being HD."Kotaku notes that "while the device was shown in two form-factors, one that looked like the PSP Go and one that looked like the PSP, Sony told attendees that they have not yet settled on the final design for the system."

Now fresh rumors about the device has once again surfaced online, with several insiders telling the site that the long-rumored device will follow in the footsteps of the PSP Go and will not support the UMD format. "Games will be stored on a Memory Stick, according to one source. Though we've also been told that Sony is still puzzling out what the final non-UMD storage solution will be for the PSP2," according to Kotaku.

The site’s sources also revealed that the new device will be a much more powerful gaming machine, sporting 1 GB of RAM that is twice as those found on the Xbox 360.

Meanwhile, multiple sources also told VG247 that PSP2 is currently codenamed “Veta” and is currently slated "for a late 2011 launch."


[VG247 via Kotaku]


내용을 읽어보니 재밌는 얘기가 많습니다. 일단 렘은 Xbox360의 2배인 1GB라고 하네요.

또한 Go와 마찬가지로 UMD를 사용하지 않고, HD급 디스플레이를 채택하며, 듀얼 아날로그 스틱이라고 합니다.

코드네임 'Veta"로 칭하여지는 PSP2는 늦으면 2011년에 발표 한다고 하네요.

6.20 TN 개발 진행상황. / 6.20 TN moving along smoothly, now supports almost 92% of homebrews

Posted by Myoa™
2010. 10. 27. 21:48 PSP폐쇄/QJ.NET
본 블로그는 클리어타입에 최적화 되있습니다. 글씨가 흐리게 보이면 여기를 눌러 패치하세요(1차수정)




Total_Noob has posted a new update about the progress of his long awaited 6.20 homebrew enabler for the PSP. According to his latest blog post, the project is going along smoothly as planned with almost 92% of homebrews now run using his HEN, including PSPDisp, CSPSP Online, FUSA and LightMp3, among others.

Developer's note:

Now the HEN supports 92% of the homebrews. With the NID Translator (30% done, veeery boring),  I can run homebrews with prx, like: PSPDisp, CSPSP Online, FUSA, LightMp3, PMPPlayer, Go!Tube, PRXDecrypter, Psardumper and etc. Some VLF homebrews crashes, I'll resolve this problem;)

I'll release the HEN before Christmas on PSPGEN.COM, and you can follow all updates there!

P.S. PSPGo isn't arrived yet, it has been delayed :(



Via [Total_Noob's Blog]


Total_Noob는 그의 6.20 홈브류 구동기의 개발 진행상황에 대해 포스팅을 했다.
그의 마지막 포스팅에 따르면 계발은 순조롭게 진행되고 있고, HEN에서 92%정도의 홈브류(PSPDisp, CSPSP Online FUSA(푸사패드 말하는 것 같습니다), LightMP3 등을 포함해서.)
를 구동할 수 있다고 한다.

개발자 노트:
이제 헨(HEN)은 92%정도의 홈브류를 지원한다.
NID Translator(30% 완료, 너무 지루함), 홈브류들과  플러그인을 기동시킬 수 있다.

일부 VLF홈브류들의 파일이 깨지는데, 이 문제는 해결해 보도록 하겠다.

난 PSPGEN.COM 사이트에 HEN을 릴리즈 하겠다. 크리스마스 이전까지. 그리고 모든 업데이트는 거기서 할 수 있긔!

P.S. PSPGo가 아직 도착하지 않았다. 좀 더 기다려 봐야겠다.
(일단 Go도 테스트 해보나 봅니다. 지원 가능성이 있군요)

그의 맞

플스폰? PS폰! / The PlayStation Phone is here!

Posted by Myoa™
2010. 10. 27. 21:38 PSP폐쇄/QJ.NET
본 블로그는 클리어타입에 최적화 되있습니다. 글씨가 흐리게 보이면 여기를 눌러 패치하세요(1차수정)


Yes folks, the long rumored PlayStation Phone has finally landed and we got the first shots of Sony's upcoming Android-powered gaming device, down below.

=> 긴 루머끝에  소니 에릭슨에서 안드로이드를 탑재한 PS폰을 출시했다고 하네요.



According to Engadget, the upcoming PlayStation Phone will likely run on Android OS 3.0 aka Gingerbread and will feature a custom Sony Marketplace which will allow users to purchase and download games designed for the upcom. The device will included "a 1GHz Qualcomm MSM8655 (a chip similar to the one found in the G2, but 200MHz faster), 512MB of RAM, 1GB of ROM, and the screen is in the range of 3.7 to 4.1 inches." The landscape slider will also feature a multi-touch touchpad in the center that replaces the analog stick with the usual array of PSP buttons. Engadget also added "that there's no Memory Stick slot in the device, but there is support for microSD cards."




Though the phone is still on it's early stage of development, Engadget believes that the handset could still be unveiled this year and will be available on the market in 2011.


Big thanks to Bikram S. and narutosaiyan for the tips!



Via [Engadget]

6.20 HEN 출시 확정! / Wololo: HEN on 6.20 is 100% real!

Posted by Myoa™
2010. 10. 25. 22:35 PSP폐쇄/QJ.NET
본 블로그는 클리어타입에 최적화 되있습니다. 글씨가 흐리게 보이면 여기를 눌러 패치하세요(1차수정)


Still having doubts on Total_Noob's 6.20 homebrew enabler for the PSP? Well, according to a recennt post from homebrew coder extraordinaire Wololo himself, Total_Noob's kernel exploit for firmware 6.20 is the real deal as he was able to beta test the exploit on his PSP 3000.



According to Wololo's post:

Total_Noob offered me to test his HEN on a PSP 3000. I gladly sacrificed my 5.03 PSP 3000, upgraded it to 6.20, and could confirm that this kernel exploit is true, and the HEN is already operational.

Total_Noob's 6.20 TN (HEN) is scheduled to arrive “before Christmas.”



Via [Wololo]


드디어 6.20 출시 확정이 내려지는군요. 출시 예정일은 정확하게 잡히진 않았고,

크리스마스 이전이라고 Wololo는 밝혔습니다.

테스트한 기기는 3000번대로, 3005 유저에게 드디어 희망이 생기나 봅니다 ^^

갓오브워 고스트 오브 스파르타 소식. / God of War: Ghost of Sparta pre-orde comes with God of War III dynamic theme

Posted by Myoa™
2010. 10. 24. 17:52 PSP폐쇄/QJ.NET
본 블로그는 클리어타입에 최적화 되있습니다. 글씨가 흐리게 보이면 여기를 눌러 패치하세요(1차수정)







Still on the fence about shelling out money to pre-order God of War: Ghost of Sparta? Here's another reason to do so from Sony. Those who pre-order will get a free dynamic PS3 theme featuring one of the iconic locations in God of War III -- The Palace of Hades.


Using the Palace of Hades from God of War III as the main inspiration, this exclusive PS3 Dynamic Theme captures the grand vista moment of Kratos as he is betrayed by Gaia at the top of Mount Olympus and ripped of his godly powers. It is at this moment where he obtains the Blades of Exile from Athena and seeks out to destroy all of Olympus and the mighty Zeus himself.


The theme, along with all its moving clouds, lava, lightning, and fog, won't be available as a standalone download for the general public on the PlayStation Store, so all you hardcore God of War fans will have to pre-order Ghost of Sparta if you want it. PSP Go owners can get it by buying a downloadable copy of the game from November 2 until November 9.


God of War: Ghost of Sparta comes out on November 2 in North America. You can pre-order from Best Buy, GameStop, or Amazon. Canadian gamers can do so at EB Games.




Via [US PlayStation blog]

그런데 이미 릴이 떳으니 어쩌겠습니까.......