6.20 TN-A HEN 24일 릴리즈 예정! // 6.20 TN-A HEN available soon *UPDATE* It will be out on Dec. 24th

Posted by Myoa™
2010. 12. 23. 11:27 PSP폐쇄/QJ.NET
본 블로그는 클리어타입에 최적화 되있습니다. 글씨가 흐리게 보이면 여기를 눌러 패치하세요(1차수정)


Ok, enough with the recent PSP drama and on to some good stuff. Wololo has word that the first public release of Total_Noob's HEN is now ready and has already been sent to the folks over at PSPGEN since yesterday. According to Wololo's recent post:

"I chatted a bit with Total_Noob a few hours ago, who confirmed to me that the first public release of his Hen is ready and has been sent to pspgen yesterday. I assume the staff at pspgen will now be testing the Hen for a little bit, making sure there is no last minute bug, before they make the public release."

Looks like we'll be having a taste of the HEN anytime now. Stay tuned.




Word from PSPGEN is that it will be out on December 24th at 12:30 (French time) or 6:30 AM EST.



Via [Wololo]

최종 점검이네요.

12월 24일 12시 30분 또는 6시 30분(AM, GMT+1 기준)에 공식 릴리즈한다고 합니다!

현지시간 계산을 궂이 한다면 24일 오전 8시 30분 또는 오후 2시 30분에 릴리즈군요.

제가 그 날 만큼은 최대한 소식나오는대로 전해드리려 합니다! 기대해주세요~

6.20 HEN 출시 확정! / Wololo: HEN on 6.20 is 100% real!

Posted by Myoa™
2010. 10. 25. 22:35 PSP폐쇄/QJ.NET
본 블로그는 클리어타입에 최적화 되있습니다. 글씨가 흐리게 보이면 여기를 눌러 패치하세요(1차수정)


Still having doubts on Total_Noob's 6.20 homebrew enabler for the PSP? Well, according to a recennt post from homebrew coder extraordinaire Wololo himself, Total_Noob's kernel exploit for firmware 6.20 is the real deal as he was able to beta test the exploit on his PSP 3000.



According to Wololo's post:

Total_Noob offered me to test his HEN on a PSP 3000. I gladly sacrificed my 5.03 PSP 3000, upgraded it to 6.20, and could confirm that this kernel exploit is true, and the HEN is already operational.

Total_Noob's 6.20 TN (HEN) is scheduled to arrive “before Christmas.”



Via [Wololo]


드디어 6.20 출시 확정이 내려지는군요. 출시 예정일은 정확하게 잡히진 않았고,

크리스마스 이전이라고 Wololo는 밝혔습니다.

테스트한 기기는 3000번대로, 3005 유저에게 드디어 희망이 생기나 봅니다 ^^