ISO Tool v1.81 업데이트 릴리즈
2010. 10. 20. 18:25
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File Description
ISO Tool v1.81
PSP coder Takka is back in the scene to update his ISO Tool that also coincide with the release of liquidzigong's latest Prometheus module. The latest release of the handy appthat allows you to decrypt the EBOOT.BIN of the latest titles, making it compatible with your custom firmwared PSP includes more fixes and improvements.
- Version 1.81:
- [BUG] If you have not already EBOOT.OLD modified EBOOT.BIN EBOOT.OLD like to skip the conversion to
- [BUG] Fixed failed to write to a file that already exists
- Version 1.80:
- [BUG] Prometheus had been BOOT.BIN on use of space available, it was not intended to be run out of this area. When large files are added, ISO adjusted the data to the end of the range
- [NEW] With the above, separate files for further processing
- [NEW] so much more additional files, Prometheus temporarily removed from the recovery menu. Like you can use again after you decided how to save and update history
- [NEW] Prometheus_ME631 support
※ 1.80부터 프로메테우스 ME631을 지원합니다.