케이지의 블로그가 삭제되었다. / Keiji Inafune's blog now removed
Since he's leaving Capcom anyway, he won't have any use for his blog. At least not the one he had with blogging service, Daletto, a Capcom subsidiary. So with Keiji Inafune's resignation, his blog has effectively been pulled from the interwebs.
The blog wasn't just for work - there were also some posts with personal content in it. One such post was where Inafune blogged about why he was leaving the company. It wasn't the tell-all story that some may be looking forward to, but nonetheless, it has now been removed. It may still be possible to recover it, but we'll have to wait if Inafune opens up a new blog for any new posts from him.
데드라이징 기획을 담당했던 케이지씨가 캡콤을 떠나고 그의 블로그도 삭제했다고 합니다.
복구가 가능하다는데 할지 어떨지는 본인에게 달려있겠지요.
그러나 새 블로그를 여는쪽으로 갈 것 같다는 것 같습니다.
(참고: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keiji_Inafune)